2025 | Issue 1
In the darkest places, Christians like Joo Min (cover image) are determined to shine the light of Christ. For these believers, witnessing about Jesus and
making disciples for Him is a mandate that must be obeyed, even unto death.
May you be encouraged to also be a bold witness of Christ as you read the stories in this issue and remember to pray for them.
Violence against Christian communities in sub-Saharan Africa is spiralling. The situation is complex and driven by multiple actors. As a result SSA was the region with the highest number of Christians killed for their faith globally in 2023. Let’s take up the ‘critical weapons’ of prayer and intercession, and stand with our brothers and sisters in sub-Saharan Africa.
2024 | Issue 2
Despite persecution, the Indian church is growing.
The Holy Spirit is moving in extraordinary ways,
and that’s in response to the prayers of people like
Pastor Laxman – and also the prayers of people like
you and me, as the body of Christ around the world.
The church may be growing, but it’s
also facing unprecedented challenges. Today, let’s
join our Indian brothers and sisters in standing for
justice, truth and hope.
2023 | Issue 2
The level of violence in sub- Saharan Africa is truly deplorable. Every year, thousands of Christians are killed for their faith by Islamic militants. Thousands more lose their homes, their land, and their livelihoods. That is why Ayuba’s story of forgiveness, healing and restoration is so important and powerful.
Our brothers and sisters in sub- Saharan Africa are calling for the global church to join them in standing up to extreme violence. Will you answer their call?
2023 | Issue 1
Globally, millions of Jesus’ followers face extreme persecution, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are extremely loved by our heavenly Father. This is the love that overflows from Rebecca for the women she meets. This is the love Open Doors seeks to continue to show the persecuted church. And this is the love that you exemplify each time you remember them in your prayers and support.
Special edition
Open Doors' founder, Brother Andrew, passed away on 27 September 2022. Even as we mourn his passing, we celebrate the life he lived and want to remember the legacy he has left behind. In this special edition magazine, read of Brother Andrew's road to faith in Christ and how God called him to serve persecuted Christians.