Impact Worldwide | 6-8-2024

A secret youth camp grows faith!


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In a small apartment, a group of young Christians gather. There are about 25 of them, ranging from 10 to 20 years old.

They are there to learn about Jesus.

The fact they are meeting is nothing short of a miracle.

It’s a youth camp organized by Open Doors local partners, but it is unlike a typical camp. These young believers live in a country that is predominantly Muslim. It’s so risky to be a Christian in this country that we cannot even tell you where it is in Asia. Religious freedom is restricted, and residents are not able to practice any faith outside of Islam. Christians cannot worship publicly nor are there any church buildings.

Nonetheless, these youth are meeting - a courageous step of faith. This is all thanks to the support and prayers of Open Doors supporters around the world, reminding these little brothers and sisters that they are valuable and beloved members of the Body of Christ.

Most of the believers who live in this country are expatriates from various countries in Asia; some have lived in the country for over 20 years. Since living there, they have formed a community of believers who gather quietly in a small apartment to worship.

This youth camp was organized for the children of some of these expatriate believers, held in the same small room used for weekly services. For many of the young people, it was their very first youth camp, a rare opportunity to gather with believers of their own age and grow in their faith.

Our local partners shared about the fundamentals of being a Christian, how to read and apply Scripture and be salt and light in their community. The young people were very happy and eager to learn something new and grow in their faith.

The young Christians share..

“We were so happy, as the opportunity to grow our faith in this country [is small] because of the strict laws,” one participant shared. “The activities conducted are so simple, yet it’s very helpful and interesting for us to learn many things about Jesus.”

One of the young Christians shares that she learned many new things at the camp. “I learned how to study and meditate [on] the Bible in an interesting and easy way,” she says. “I also learned to where to start searching [for] Jesus.”

“The lessons about Jesus’ love and guidance on reading the Bible have truly touched my heart,” another young person says. “The games we played and the way you treated us with such care and respect made a lasting impression on me.”

A 10-year-old boy says: “Before this, I didn’t know about the Holy Spirit, and I thought that only older people could receive the Holy Spirit; but now I know I also can receive the power of Holy Spirit because I believe in Jesus.”

“I plan to begin my journey with Jesus by meditating on the Word as we have been taught at the camp,” says another participant.

Desire for Christ

Our local partners also organized a question-and-answer session where “campers” could freely ask about anything. The young people asked many questions, covering subjects such as relationships, the Holy Spirit, peer relationships, addiction and more. "I've found answers to my questions and now I have a clearer view on certain things,” one young person says.

Our local partner shares: “It’s amazing to see these young people being so responsive and eager to learn more about Jesus.”

“It’s so wonderful to witness these 25 young people gathered in a small, cramped room just to learn more about Jesus,” says another Open Doors local partner. “They are so excited and united … these young people have the desire and eagerness to come and learn to be together for Christ.”

please pray

Thank God for His faithfulness and protection over the partners who organized this youth camp in such a restrictive country. Pray for more opportunities like these in the future and pray that God will bless these efforts and help these young believers grow in faith!

please give
  • Every HK$200 could give Bibles to five secret believers, so they can meet God in his Word.
  • Every HK$450 could help a secret believer establish a livelihood, giving long-term financial security.
  • Every HK$700 could help 10 secret believers stay strong in faith through discipleship training.
*Any excess funds will be used to strengthen other persecuted Christians where urgent help is needed.
my gift: secret believers